March 2023
Freies Tanzen, offenes Zusammenkommen
Die historischen Wurzeln der Linken und des Marxismus liegen in den bürgerlichen Revolutionen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts und deren Krise im 19. Jahrhundert. Der Lesekreis versucht diesen geschichtlichen Hintergrund durch die Lektüre von Texten von Marx und der radikalen bürgerlichen Philosophie der Aufklärung herauszuarbeiten. Durch Texte von Autoren wie Theodor W. Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Georg Lukács, Karl Korsch und Leszek Kołakowski versuchen wir, das Problem des politischen Bewusstseins der Linken im 20. Jahrhundert, das bis heute prägend bleibt, zu beleuchten.
Leseliste unter:
This is a free Discofox Course at “Haus auf der Mauer” here in Jena. You can join either the Beginners or the more advanced (advanced beginners) course. It is supposed to be a relaxed round together, where we enjoy the music, the dance and the company. Signing up for the course would be weekly on Telegram. Herefore, join the following group.
What do you learn in which course?
very basic steps, a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer), a not “old fashioned” Discofox :D
Advanced: Monday
more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, dancing to the music, some techniques
Klavierüben - Mezzavilla
Free Salsa classes for the community of Jena
(öffentliches) Plenum Studieren Ohne Grenzen e.V.
Wöchentliches Plenum von Jena-Vegan
This is a free Discofox Course at “Haus auf der Mauer” here in Jena. You can join either the Beginners or the more advanced (advanced beginners) course. It is supposed to be a relaxed round together, where we enjoy the music, the dance and the company. Signing up for the course would be weekly on Telegram. Herefore, join the following group.
What do you learn in which course?
Beginner: Thursday 9-10.30 pm
very basic steps, a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer), a not “old fashioned” Discofox :D
Advanced: Monday 9-10.30 pm
more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, dancing to the music, some techniques
Gedichte, Tänze, Musikstücke und den Gesamtablauf üben