
Provinz Comedy präsentiert ein ganz besonders Highlight: der US-Amerikaner Drew Portnoy kommt nach Jena ins Haus auf der Mauer (Gewölbekeller) und gibt gleich zwei Shows:

19:00 Uhr auf Deutsch und 21:00 Uhr auf English. Lokale Comedians treten im Vorprogramm auf.

Drew Portnoy tauschte Ende der 90er die Rocky Mountains seiner Heimat Colorado gegen das Berliner Nachtleben ein. Eine mutige Entscheidung, denn bis heute wundert er sich über die deutsche Sprache und die Eigenarten der Deutschen. Aber auch über sich selbst kann er immer wieder staunen, besonders, seitdem er selbst Vater ist.

Tickets (10 Euro plus VVG):


Provinz Comedy prouldy presents: The US-american comedian Drew Portnoy is coming to Jena (Haus auf der Mauer). There will be a German (early) show at 7 pm and an English (late) show at 9 pm. Be sure to get your tickets in advance (last time the show was sold out).

Tickets for the English show (10 Euro plus fees):

Drew Portnoy chose German as his foreign language credit in middle school because it seemed like the only punk decision. He had no idea how big this decision as a 14-year-old would affect his life. At the end of the ‘90s he swapped the mountains of Colorado for Berlin’s nightlife and still isn’t sure if it was the right decision, especially since he became a father.

Drew has appeared on stages throughout continental Europe in both German and English and aims his dry humor directly at the Germans, Berliners, his German-American family and himself. As a former foreign correspondent, his deep knowledge of German culture and recent European history adds an extra bit of snide to his social commentary. You’ll both be glad you were there.