
freies Tanzen, miteinander Tanzen, weg von Leistungsdruck

This is a free Discofox Course! You can join either the beginners or the advanced beginners course. The environment is welcoming and stress-free. Signing up by joining the Telegram group [we offer live updates as well as info on extra events!]:


Class Details:


Beginners: basic steps, developing a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer).


Advanced beginners: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, extra dance techniques


Unkosten: Beteiligung an der Modellgage in Höhe von 3 bis 5 Euro, je nach Teilnehmerzahl

This is a free Discofox Course! You can join either the beginners or the advanced beginners course. The environment is welcoming and stress-free. Signing up by joining the Telegram group [we offer live updates as well as info on extra events!]:


Class Details:


Beginners: basic steps, developing a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer).


Advanced beginners: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, extra dance techniques

This function is organized by PSA Jena for the students and FSU Jena.

Diese Veranstaltung bietet allen Mentor*innen der Anfangsbetreuung internationaler Studierender die Möglichkeit eine Rückmeldung zur Anfangsbetreuung zu geben, andere Mentor*innen kennen zu lernen und sich über Ihre Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

This is a free Discofox Course! You can join either the beginners or the advanced beginners course. The environment is welcoming and stress-free. Signing up by joining the Telegram group [we offer live updates as well as info on extra events!]:


Class Details:


Beginners: basic steps, developing a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer).


Advanced beginners: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, extra dance techniques

Nous von Alice Diop

Die Schnellbahnstrecke RER B verläuft von Nord nach Süd quer durch Paris und seine Außenbezirke. Auf ihrer Reise in die Vorstädte zeigt uns die preisgekrönte Dokumentarfilmerin Alice Diop Gesichter und Geschichten verschiedener Menschen, die diese Orte ausmachen.

Beginn: 20:00 Uhr
Eintritt frei