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February 2024

kostenlose Salsa-Kurse für die Jenaer Studenten und Studentinnen

Meeting and practicing Forró, the wonderful couple dance from the northeast of Brazil.

Its a turn-based jam. Each turn is conducted by somebody from the group. Within this jam we will create an environment where everyone can unfold her or his creativity in a very playful way. I will lead you through the session and you will learn everything needed within the given time.


The approach is called „The Avatar Circle - The Element Key“. It is not only a method to conduct a musical jam, it can also include dancing, poetry, drawing, spectating, writing, massaging, meditation, acrobatics, and all other creative things that come to your mind.


The entry to the jam will be closed at 21:00 for the second round. This is important to create a nice and comfortable environment for all people joining. After this time you can not join this event, but you can take the next opportunity to join. I will be strict about this.


Please bring your equipment you need to participate (musical instruments, dancing shoes, drawing equipment, pen and paper etc.).


If you have questions to the event, do not hesitate to contact me.


I am looking forward to jam with you.



Free-of-cost Discofox course! Live updates and info on other events:

As every Friday, we will have a party to dance and have fun.

Details will be added to our website.

Offenes Gruppentreffen der Sea-Eye Lokalgruppe Jena. Wir laden alle interessierten Menschen ein bei uns reinzuschnuppern.


Sea-Eye ist eine zivile Seenotrettungsorganisation, die es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht hat, in Seenot geratene Menschen auf der Flucht im Mittelmeer vor dem ertrinken zu retten. Als Lokalgruppe unterstützen wir den Verein indem wir auf die Situation im Mittelmeer aufmerksam zu machen und Spenden für die Finanzierung der Rettungsmissionen zu sammeln.