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December 2022

Hi, wir sind Indistinct Cheddar.

Eine Pop-Rock-Coverband mit einem kleinen Repertoire von elf Liedern.

Am 12.12. wollen wir zum ersten mal als Band auftreten und freuen uns auf Euch!


Wir vom Green Office der Uni Jena wollen zu einer kleinen Weihnachtsfeier einladen.

Der ESN veranstaltet seinen wöchentlichen Stammtisch für die Erasmi/Internationals für den kulturellen und sozialen Austausch

The plan is to watch Die Feuerzangenbowle (1944). The event will be conducted through Together in Jena as a part of a series of Christmas activities to follow in December.

There is a free Discofox Course at “Haus auf der Mauer” here in Jena. You can join either the Beginners or the more advanced (advanced beginners) course. It is supposed to be a relaxed round together, where we enjoy the music, the dance and the company. Signing up for the course would be weekly on Telegram. Herefore, join the following group.


What do you learn in which course?

Beginner: very basic steps, a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer), a not “old fashioned” Discofox :D


Advanced: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, dancing to the music, some techniques


Winter event hosted by ESN to help international students warm up in the cold with some acoustic atmosphere and tunes. We'll have international students playing music and also chill with their friends.