
universales Vereinigungszeitalter +++ Wissenschaft, Technologien, Religion/ Spiritualität +++ das Kenntnis Buch & die Licht-Photon-Zyklon Technik +++ beschleunigte und leichtere Entwicklung +++ globale Veränderungen


Unkosten: Beteiligung an der Modellgage in Höhe von 3 bis 5 Euro, je nach Teilnehmerzahl

This is a free-of-cost Discofox Course! You can join either the beginners or the advanced beginners course. The environment is welcoming and stress-free. Signing up by joining the Telegram group [we offer live updates as well as info on extra events!]:


Class Details:


Beginners: basic steps, developing a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer).


Advanced beginners: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, extra dance techniques

ich möchte die beide Räume reservieren.

wir haben am 17.06.23 Feiern wie Hochzeit.

Provinz Comedy continues its Stand Up Comedy Night in English in Jena!
Things you never understood about Germans? Maybe you won´t understand them after this hilarious evening, either – but you will definitely have a great time with us! Local and international comedians (and anyone who wants to try) will make you laugh with their best or cheesiest jokes.
Entrance free, donations appreciated.

Wer Lust auf Stand-up-Comedy hat, vielleicht selbst gern auf der Bühne stehen würde oder schon stand und nun an seinen Texten in gemütlicher Atmosphäre feilen möchte, ist hier richtig!

Kommt mit euren Ideen und Notizzetteln vorbei! Wir freuen uns auf neue Leute!

This is a free-of-cost Discofox Course! You can join either the beginners or the advanced beginners course. The environment is welcoming and stress-free. Signing up by joining the Telegram group [we offer live updates as well as info on extra events!]:


Class Details:


Beginners: basic steps, developing a feeling for the beat, first figures, leading and following (in any role you prefer).


Advanced beginners: more figures, improving of leading and following, free dancing, extra dance techniques